演講題目:Asian Rhinoplasty

曾文尚醫師於2012年9月29日應邀參加長庚醫院「第二屆長庚美容研討會」,並於會中演講,演講主題為:「Asian Rhinoplasty (適合東方人的隆鼻手術)」。




曾文尚醫師這次演講主題為:「Asian Rhinoplasty」,談的是適合東方人的隆鼻手術,而其精髓就是二段式隆鼻手術、三段式隆鼻手術,也就是曾醫師倡導的正統韓式隆鼻手術,屬於量身訂做的鼻子雕刻手術。


Asian rhinoplasty(適合亞洲人的隆鼻手術)
雅丰時尚診所 曾文尚醫師

Rhinoplasty is a highly specialized field that requires much knowledge and skill on the surgeon to have successful result .The concepts of beautiful nose are different from Asians and Caucasians with respect to ethnic and cultural backgrounds, anatomy of the face and nose, and psychological and aesthetic needs of the patients . Asian rhinoplasty is one of the most common aesthetic procedures in Taiwan. The specialty of Asian rhinoplasty surgery has grown and evolved with the refinement of many innovative techniques and the creation of new procedures. 

Orientals have flatter noses than Caucasians because of insufficient bone and cartilage support for oriental nose. The common complaints told by orienta patients are bulbous tip, wide and low dorsum, retracted columella, flat nostril, weak and thin cartilage, and thick skin ( thick subcutaneous tissue). We can divide the oriental noses problems into 5 groups: short nose, bulbous nose, saddle nose, retracted columella, and insufficient nasal tip projection. 

For the augmentation of oriental nose, alloplastic material ( L-shape silicone ) have been widely used for more than 30 years. Therefore secondary revision procedure is also increased because L-silicone implant are prone to exposure, infection, and displacement . And also in case of lack of skin envelope and short nasal framework , it is not enough to get good result by performing augmentation using L-shape silicone implant . Inadequate surgical technique and overaggressive augmentation with silicone implants have led to the potential of implant extrusion through the incision site, or, worse yet , through the overlying tip skin.

Which method is good for oriental nose? The critical points of decision for Asian rhinoplasty are selecting appropriate grafting material, control of nasal tip projection, and precise control of dorsal height. In my opinion, the better way for the augmentation of oriental noses is the Two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty . The surgical methods are I-shape silicone, Gortex, or Chimeric implant for radius and dorsum augmentation, septal cartilage graft for columella support and tip projection , and dome suture and ear cartilages for tip definition. I would like to use rib cartilages for dorsum augmentation and tip projection in some difficult cases.

The two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty is the sculpture of nose individualized! Now the autogenous cartilages ( septal , auricular, rib cartilages ) and alloplastic materials ( I-shape silicone, Gortex, Chimeric implant ) have been widely used ! And the result gets much improvement. I would like to present these cases. 


Asian Rhinoplasty(two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty )
曾文尚 張松源 林孟羲 林敬鈞 黃俊源

雅丰時尚診所 雅丰麗緻診所

slide 3

Orientals have flatter noses than westerers 

slide 4

Oriental noses: 

insufficient bone and cartilage support 



Oriental nose
Wide dorsum 
Bulbous tip 
Thick skin ( thick subcutaneous tissue )
Weak and thin cartilage 
Retracted columella
Flat nostril



Thick skin ( Thick subQ)
Positive aspect: irregular minuteness or asymmetry could be camouflaged 
Negative aspect: 
pathological swelling and scar formation under the skin is extreme after operation 
The recovering of the skin gets delayed 
The extension of skin is limited

slide 7


The common problems in oriental nose
Short nose 
Bulbous nose
Saddle nose
Retracted collumella 
Insufficient nasal tip
Alar hyperplasia 



For the augmentation of oriental noses, alloplastic materials ( L-shape silicone ) have been widely used in Taiwan for more than 30 years .
Therefore secondary revision procedures are increased because L-silicone implants are prone to exposure, infection, and displacement .
And also in case of lack of skin envelope and short nasal framework , it is not enough to get good result by performing augmentation using L-shape silicone implant . 
Case 1

Inadequate surgical technique and overaggressive augmentation with L-shape silicone implants have led to the potential of implant extrusion through the incision site, or, worse yet , through the overlying tip skin 

Tx: Asian Rhinoplasty (Two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty)

Radius and dorsum augmentation
Septal (cartilage) extension graft for tip projection
Ear cartilage and dome suture for tip definition 


Csae2 Difficult Case (contracted nose) 


Difficult Case

How to do ???

Difficult Case s/p 5 times of rhinoplasty with infection



Tx:Asian Rhinoplasty (Two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty) 

Costal ( rib cartilage) extension graft for tip elongation
Ear cartilage and dome suture for tip definition

slide 11
The definition of Asian Rhinoplasty (Two-pieces of augmentation rhinoplasty)

1st piece: I-shape silicone, Gortex, or Chimeric implant for radius and dorsum augmentation 
2nd piece: extension graft( septal cartilage, costal cartilage… ) for tip projection, and dome suture & ear cartilages for tip definition

slide 12 
Critical points of asian rhinoplasty

Selecting appropriate grafting material 
Control of nasal tip projection 
Precise control of dorsal height


Thanks for your attension !

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